Monday, December 10, 2007


From Bucerias we moved to Sayulita, and stayed in a place that was cleaner and newer than any other place we'd stayed. It was also much, much nicer than any of the other "houses" around it, so we kind of stood out as gringos. We were without a microwave, washer and dryer, hot water, and a/c, but it was nice and roomy! We also had a little yard for Z to play in, and access to the roof. I tried laying out up there on my birthday, but I kept having to flick spiders off of me, so I went back inside. I was also weird to be hanging out in my swimming suit with construction workers one lot over and a lady hanging her laundry to dry right next door. She was so close I could've stepped from my roof to hers and helped her out.

(Jed and Zoe, with her "crazy hair", in the yard.)


The place was nice, but the insects were not. I was more bothered by the insects there than anywhere else we've been. But I guess that's what you get when you are living in the middle of the jungle. Having geckos everywhere was kind of fun, but they always caught me by surprise.

(Jed emptying a coconut he cracked open.)

The caretaker of the place, Zulma, is the sweetest, coolest woman. She'd come over to make sure things were okay, or teach us how to cook something authentic, and we'd always end up hanging out for awhile. She seemed to get a kick out of my annoyance with the cucarachas. One night we went over to her place and chatted while Zoe played her dogs and chickens - it was fun and relaxing.

(Zulma and Jed making some awesome fish tacos.)

Sayulita is also where Zoe starting showing her computer genius potential.


1 comment:

Emy said...

Geez - I wish I was as tan as Z :)