Saturday, October 27, 2007

Our walk to Chapala

Today we took a walk to Chapala to get a guitar for Jed. It was quite a walk - we both have blisters. We don't know how far it was, but we were walking, and pushing Z in her stroller, for close to two hours at a pretty good pace. We took a bus back, which was like riding a roller coaster!

I took a few pictures on our way:

A little house on the hill.

house on a cliff - Ajijic

You can't really tell from this picture, but there are these really cool, tall cactuses growing on the side of this cliff.

cactus on a cliff

If you order pizza for delivery from Domino's in Mexico...


This picture doesn't do this guy justice, but he was two inches long. We found him waiting for us when we got home. Jed wouldn't let me kill it because it wasn't in the house. Can somebody tell me one good thing a cockroach does?

Ajijic cockroach

The fruits of our labor...


1 comment:

Emy said...

Love the house on the hill and the guitar! So nice! Hate the bug. Please, please, please, please never post a picture of one of the many spiders. It would be horrible if I open up your blog at work and there is a picture of a spider. I would be found dead in my office chair.snayq